Solutions for Basement Flooding in Ontario | Customer Testimonial

Heather's basement was an extremely wet basement. It had flooded several times over the years and the generic hardware-store bought sump pumps she used just couldn't handle the amount of water pouring into the basement every time it rained. 
Ultimately, the enormous pressure that all the water was putting on the basement walls started causing foundation problems.
That is when Heather decided to call Omni Basement Systems. The recommended solution (a WaterGuard internal perimeter sump pump system and the powerful TripleSafe Sump Pump system with two backup sump pumps) made perfect sense to her. It took Omni Basements Systems only two days to completely transform Heather's basement from a flood-prone mess into a dry, healthy basement suitable to be used as additional living space. 
Heather can now enjoy full peace of mind, knowing that she can sleep when it rains and travel without worrying about coming home to flooded basement. 
Is your basement leaky? Does it have a history of flooding? Don't give up on it just yet! Reclaim your basement!
If you live in Greater Hamilton, ON or in nearby areas, call Omni Basement Systems for a free, in-home estimate. Find out just how easy and affordable it is to have a dry, healthy basement backed with state-of-the-art waterproofing solutions and a Transferable Lifetime Warranty!

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