Omni Basement Systems Reviews and Ratings

Check out reviews and comments from our past customers.

Overall we are very happy there are a couple of things that were not installed a new liner due to amount of water com...

I was very happy with the installers. They had a great personality and answered my questions. Justin even alerted me ...

The call representative was friendly and acted quickly.  Mandy the saleswoman was well prepared, knew her s...

To be honest it was your professionalism in handling the quoting process and the quick response times that made us de...

Huge props to all of you for your outstanding work and understanding of our situation. The sales rep we had was a ter...

George, Brian and Pedro did a wonderful job and took great care in keeping the area clean and damage-free. They are v...

Very Satisfied You have a great company.

Very happy with the finished product.

Google search followed by on-line research into the companies identified by the search; preference for local and/or f...

Honest, reliable and efficient. Did not hide any information on how they needed to do things. Set up appointment quic...

Very clean & quality looking work. Price feels right for what you get. They went further than just explaining the...

Very thorough, understood we needed time to make a decision, Respectfully treated all members of the family, communic...

Omni Basement Systems Average: 4.8 out of 5
Total Reviews: 521

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